Monday, June 23, 2008

Use Your Ribbon Stash!

I have one and I know you do too!
A huge stash of RIBBONS!
It is easy to get stuck in a rut with your ribbons.

I find myself using them in the same way over and over.
Tying it on a tag,
Using it as a border or
Stapling it as a "fringe"

The other day I challenged myself to use my ribbons in a new and different way. (You may have seen this done before, but forgot! - so I am jogging your memory!)
Here is my first project:

It is easy and you can make one (or two or three) too! Here's how:

First you will need the following:
Your project (I chose to do a card for demonstration purposes and because I wasn't sure how it would come out so I didn't want to commit to a bigger project!)
An anywhere hole punch (I used the MM one)
a length of ribbon approximately 12-16 inches long (thinner ribbons work best!)
a large eye needle (usually used for doll making, etc)
a ruler
a pencil or pen

1. Now you will need to decide on the placement for your flower. Use your pencil to make a center point. Next use the ruler to mark 4-6 additional spots .75-1.5 inches away from your center (in a star-like pattern)

2. Use the anywhere hole punch to punch holes in the marked spots.

3. Thread your needle with the ribbon and sew up through the middle hole leaving a small tail on the opposite side. Sew back down through one of your "petal" holes.

4. To complete the next "petal" go back up through the middle hole and then down into another "petal" hole. Repeat the process until you have completed all the petals. (Make sure you keep the ribbon from twisting on the underside or your page will become very bumpy!)

5. To finish the flower tape the ends to the back of the project!

Now, go have some fun making some ribbon flowers!!!

I will be back soon with another new (or forgotten) ribbon project!!!




  1. Trish that is a super cool flower!

  2. well I have never seen this type of ribbon flower before! I love this idea. TFS

  3. OMGosh, Trish. I love what you did with the ribbon. I am guilty of having a ton of it, all in pretty glass jars. And I rarely use it :( Thanks to you I will give your technique a try. I think it's very clever!

  4. Trish, that is so cool! Thanks for the great tutorial!


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