Friday, May 16, 2008

Here's a little technique to use with your chipboard

One of my favorite techniques is painting and distressing chipboard. This just adds an extra "WOW" factor to your layouts, and you just can't go wrong with that!! So, on that note, I'm going to share one of my super easy techniques with you. Get your supplies out and ready to go!! You'll need paint, a sponge applicator, a small paintbrush (the kind you watercolor with), a pen to "doodle" with, and, of course, your chipboard!

Once you have the chipboard you want to use, lay it on a flat surface that you don't mind getting a little messy:

Choose the paints that you want to use as your base color--for mine, I chose a soft pink from Making Memories. Using a sponge applicator, generously paint the chipboard, being sure to also get the sides painted:

Let your chipboard dry, usually about an hour--now, you can leave your chipboard as it is, or continue on with a little added texture to it--this step is really fun and super easy to achieve--using a pen (in my case, I chose black, but any color you chose would look great!!), doodle along the edges of the chipboard--you can use continuous lines or a "stitching" effect---

Once the doodling is done, take your second color of paint (in my case, I am using a soft cream color) and simply dab a little bit of contrasting color onto a paper plate or paper towel--taking your paintbrush, just get the tips of the brush wet and wipe most of it off onto your paper towel--you want almost all of the paint off of the brush--then start dabbing the brush onto the chipboard randomly--remember that you want less of this color on the chipboard (kind of like a sponging technique).

Adding paint and texture to your chipboard elements is a really cool way to add just a little more "oomph" to your layouts--don't be afraid to get a little messy with your chipboard!!

Have fun creating!!



  1. Kary - cool technique! I have a serious amount of chipboard in my stash and this would definately make it so much more useable. Thanks.

  2. Wow, I love chipboard & I'm always looking for new techniques to make it different. I love this! Thanks for the tips!


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