Friday, April 17, 2009

Purrrfect Project Friday

Time is just flying by!

This week's purrfect project challenge is One for the Boys.

I tend to create projects that are quite girly - who can resist all those pretty things on offer? So to create something more masculine is some what of a challenge for me.

Firstly, Rita has created a gorgeous frame for a baby boy.


I love the idea of including the hand and foot print in the frame. And just take a look at the denim swatch and metal tag.


I'm obviously along the same wavelength as Rita, creating a frame for my DS. I've gone for a grunge/urban look to reflect his age. He still loves to play although he is definately growing up too fast!


I've stamped and painted over the patterned paper to give it a bit more grunge. The robots are by Stampendous.


So why not join in with this week's challenge? Create something for a boy or man. It can be anything such as a card, tag, gift, etc. as long as it's not a traditional scrapbook layout. See here for all the info. You'll get a entry into the monthly prize draw for every project you upload!

I can't wait to see what you do!

Morag x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the projects!!