Thursday, May 21, 2009

Adding a little Sugar

You may have noticed that I have gone crazy with the glitter recently. I've have 'sugared' everything from brads to flowers. I thought I'd share this fun technique with you so you can add a little sugar to your life.

Supplies: I use a Snow Writer which is a thick white paste - this works better than glue as the texture and colour will give that extra bling to your project. Glitter - sparkly white works the best and is the most versatile.

Add the 'snow' to your flower using a stick (the coffee stirers work a treat!) I keep to the centre and don't be too neat - a little mess looks much more funky.

Add your glitter and allow to dry.

Don't forget to dip your big brad in the snow and glitter.

VOILA! Gorgeous blooms. You can layer and mix paper and silk blooms together for a great look.

I've had fun playing with papers from We R Memory Keepers this month. These gorgeous papers and flowers are just right for all sorts of occasions.

I hope you'll try this out for yourself. I can't wait to see the results!

Morag x


Jana Eubank said...

I need a Snow Writer now! Awesome tutorial, Morag!

Anonymous said...

Love the look of this!! I need to find some of that extra thick paste so I can get the same look.